Call for Contributions
Third International i* Workshop (istar'08)
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, February 11-12, 2008
A growing number of groups around the world have been using the i* modelling framework in their
research on early requirements engineering, business process design, organization modelling,
software development methodologies, and more. Following successful workshops in Trento
(2002) and London (2005), we feel that it is time for another meeting focusing on
i*, Tropos, and related frameworks, where researchers can exchange ideas, compare notes,
and hopefully forge new collaboration with like-minded folk.
We are organizing the Third International i* Workshop, and cordially invite you and members of
your group to join us. The 2-day workshop will be held in Recife, Brazil, February 11-12, 2008.
The workshop will start at 9:00 AM Monday morning and finish at 5:00 PM Tuesday afternoon.
The workshop will be held in Recife, in the Northeast of Brazil. Recife was built on the islands andpeninsulas of two river deltas, sheltered behind the wall of reefs that gives the city its name.
The city has several historic landmarks, especially among the over 60 churches. Old colonial
houses and buildings, ancient forts and monasteries and miles of fascinating beaches complete
Recife's atmosphere. The city can be easily reached by plane through the Guararapes International Airport (REC).
Each participating group is invited to provide 2-4 pages in LNCS format,, describing the current
and ongoing research related the i* framework. The contribution shall adhere
to the following structure:
- Title, authors, abstract
- Section 1. Introduction.
- Section 2. Objectives of the research.
- Section 3. Scientific contributions. If you have tool support, please mention and describe it explicitly
- Section 4. Conclusions. Especially interesting any kind of assessment of the framework, including industrial experiences
- Section 5. Ongoing and future work
- References. Please restrict to references of your own work.
Important Dates
- December 21, 2007: Submit Title and Abstract
- January 11, 2008: Send submission, including source (.doc, .latex) and pdf files
- February 11-12, 2008: istar 2008 in Recife, Brazil
All submissions should be sent to (Subject : istar08)
The proceedings will be published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings Series, ISSN 1613-0073,
Workshop Organizers
- Jaelson Castro, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
- Xavier Franch, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
- Anna Perini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler – IRST, Italy
- Eric Yu, University of Toronto, Canada