
Contribution Links Open Version

This open version of the Guide Wiki Page displays the guideline as per the i* Style of the University of Toronto. Use Comment tab above to read or write comments about this guideline. Scroll down to see variations of this guideline for other i* modeling styles.

4.3.2 Contribution Links

Contribution Links, which are covered in this section, are: Make, Some+, Help, Break, Some-, Hurt, Unknown, And, and OR. Any of these Contribution Links can be used to link any of the elements to a Softgoal to model the way any of these Elements contributes to the satisfaction or fulfillment of the Softgoal (Elements, which are discussed in Section 5.2 'Elements/Nodes' are: Goal, Softgoal, Task, Resource, and Belief).

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Instructions for Guideline authors/contributors

Below is the space designated to post possible variations. Please do not edit or alter the original guideline above.

Please provide the following information for each variation:
1. Name of Modeling Framework/School/Location/Research Group
2. Variation and explanation
3. Example(s)

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You can use the Comment tab to post additional comments about this guideline or its variations outside this space. The Comment tab displays your comments at the bottom of this page. (Do not use the Discuss tab).

Variation: Different Types of Contributions

Some uses of i* notation do not use all of the different types of contribution links presented in this guide. For example, in the provided reference, only positive and negative contribution links are used, marked with a "+" and a "-" respectively. There is no further distinction between the relative strength of these contributions. See Figure 1 for an example.
Figure 1: Example i* Model showing +/- Contribution links (from Reference Below)

Reference: X. Franch, “On the Quantitative Analysis of Agent-Oriented Models”, 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE’06), pp. 495-509. LNCS, vol. 4001. 2006.

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Created by jenhork. Last Modification: Tuesday 15 of April, 2008 21:55:10 GMT-0000 by jenhork.