
Evaluation Step Open Version

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9.2.5 Evaluation Step 4: Interpret the Results

Once the evaluation values from the initial elements are propagated through the model, the modeler is now ready to interpret the answer to the analysis question posed at the beginning of the qualitative evaluation procedure.
Returning to our example, “If the PC product Provider (Role) decides to not Allow Peer-to-peer Technology (Softgoal), what effect will this have on Sell PC Products for Profit (Task)?

The answer to this question, according to the model, can be found in the final evaluation results, shown in Figure 10. The model shows that, as the PC User is not able to Obtain PC Products from the Data Pirate, in order for PC Products to Be Obtained, the PC User must Purchase PC Products. Even though this reasoning at the surface might lead to the conclusion that this situation has a positive effect on Profit for the PC Product Producer, the final analysis result shows a conflict for Profit as a result of the Desirable PC Products Softgoal.

The overall result is a Conflict value for the Sell PC Products for Profit Task. The conclusion from this model is that preventing the use of peer-to-peer technology will reduce piracy, but will also make products less desirable to users; therefore the overall effect on business profit for PC product providers is a Conflict or both positive and negative.


Figure 10 Final Evaluation Results. Source: Horkoff (2004)

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Created by samer. Last Modification: Monday 05 of May, 2008 17:54:03 GMT-0000 by samer.