4. Please advertise the standard worldwide
5. If you are not yet listed as endorser, but you would like to, please let us know and you will be listed in the next versions.
6. Conduct case studies, use the language in your teaching, propose extensions, and report on all of this in the google groups, by publishing papers, etc.
In summary, this version of the language guide is certainly a milestone (at least for the three of us), but it is mostly a call for action!
Best regards,
Fabiano, Xavier, Jennifer
iStar 2.0 language guide released!
After a lengthy process that engaged our community for two years, we are glad to announce that we have officially released the iStar 2.0 language guide.
As you may know, the i* modeling language was introduced to fill the gap in the spectrum of conceptual modeling languages, focusing on the intentional (why?), social (who?), and strategic (how? how else? ) dimensions. i* has been applied in many areas, e.g., healthcare, security analysis, eCommerce. Although i* has seen much academic application, the diversity of extensions and variations can make it difficult for novices to learn and use in a consistent way. This document introduces the iStar 2.0 core language, evolving the basic concepts of i* into a consistent and clear set of core concepts, upon which to build future work and to base goal-oriented teaching materials. This document was built from a set of discussions and input from various members of the i* community. It is our intention to revisit, update and expand the document after collecting examples and concrete experiences of its application.
Further details:
1. The iStar 2.0 language guide is available on a dedicated website: https://sites.google.com/site/istarlanguage/home
2. The document is published via arXiv.org: this way, we can flexibly update the document by adding new versions
3. We have created a google group through which you can share your feedback to the entire community (and world!) --> https://sites.google.com/site/istarlanguage/discussion
As you may know, the i* modeling language was introduced to fill the gap in the spectrum of conceptual modeling languages, focusing on the intentional (why?), social (who?), and strategic (how? how else? ) dimensions. i* has been applied in many areas, e.g., healthcare, security analysis, eCommerce. Although i* has seen much academic application, the diversity of extensions and variations can make it difficult for novices to learn and use in a consistent way. This document introduces the iStar 2.0 core language, evolving the basic concepts of i* into a consistent and clear set of core concepts, upon which to build future work and to base goal-oriented teaching materials. This document was built from a set of discussions and input from various members of the i* community. It is our intention to revisit, update and expand the document after collecting examples and concrete experiences of its application.
Further details:
1. The iStar 2.0 language guide is available on a dedicated website: https://sites.google.com/site/istarlanguage/home
2. The document is published via arXiv.org: this way, we can flexibly update the document by adding new versions
3. We have created a google group through which you can share your feedback to the entire community (and world!) --> https://sites.google.com/site/istarlanguage/discussion