Loading... In order to fully account the effects of all elements in the model, follow the evaluation procedure and steps in order

This Guideline Wiki Page displays the guideline as per the i* Style of the University of Toronto. Use Comment tab above to read or write comments about this guideline. Scroll down to see variations of this guideline for other i* modeling styles. Guideline   (Intermediate,Evaluation) In order to fully account the effects of all elements in the model, follow the evaluation procedure and steps in order. 

Discussion: The evaluation procedure discussed in this section provides the modeler with a step by step and systematic approach to the logic and rational behind the evaluation process. The intent of this procedure is to bring about some of the necessary elements (such as propagation rules) of conducting a sound analysis to arrive at reasonable answers to the analysis questions. See Horkoff (2006) for a fuller and more advanced and detailed discussion, including Evaluation script and algorithm, convergence, termination, human judgment, and giving labels to non-leaf elements.

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1. Name of Modeling Framework/School/Location/Research Group
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Created by samer. Last Modification: Friday 01 of February, 2008 20:31:14 GMT-0000 by samer.