(Cached) i* tools

i* Tools

Available i* Tools

See a table summary of the features exhibit by this tools in the section Comparing the i* Tools.
See the published metamodels in the section i* Metamodels.

  • OpenOME
    • As a standalone application and as a plug-in for other popular tools, such as Eclipse and Protégé, OpenOME is designed to be a goal-oriented and/or agent-oriented modeling and analysis tool.
  • OME
    • A graph editor to support goal-oriented and/or agent-oriented modeling.
    • REDEPEND-REACT is a tool that supports i* modelling and the analysis of the resulting models. This version extends the REDEPEND i* modelling tool. The extension focus on the representation of the information system using the i* framework and provides specific functionalities for the generation and evaluation of alternative architectures for the modelled information system.
  • TAOM4E
    • TAOM4E supports a model-driven, agent oriented software development and, in particular, the Tropos methodology. It has been designed taking into account Model Driven Architecture (MDA) reccomandations.
  • GR-Tool
    • Forward and backward reasoning is supported in Tropos by a Goal Reasoning Tool (GR-Tool). Basically, the GR-Tool is graphical tool in which it is possible to draw the goal models and run the algorithms and tools for forward and backward reasoning. The algorithms for the forward reasoning have been fully developed in java and are embedded in the GR-Tool.
  • T-Tool
    • T-Tool provides a framework for the effective use of formal methods in the early requirements phase. The framework allows for the formal and mechanized analysis of early requirements specifications expressed in a formal modeling language.
  • ST-Tool
    • ST-Tool, the Secure Tropos tool, is a graphical tool where it is possible to draw Secure Tropos models and to perform the effective formal analysis of Secure Tropos specifications. The tool is written in Java with the swing components, and uses XML as its document format. Formal analysis is based on logic programming. ST-Tool allows to different systems based on Datalog to analyze Secure Tropos specification.
  • J-PRiM
    • JPRiM is a tool in java that supports PRiM, a methodology that addresses i* modelling and analysis from a Process Reengineering point of view. J-PRiM allows to analyse an existing information system and to represent it as a hierarchy of i* elements. Once modelled, several alternatives for the system as-is can be explored, each of one modelled as a different i* model. All the generated alternatives can be evaluated by defining and applying metrics over the i* models in order to establish which is the most appropriate for the system to-be.
  • jUCMNav
    • jUCMNav is a graphical editor for ITU-T's User Requirements Notation (Z.150). URN is composed of two complementary notations: the Use Case Map (UCM) scenario notation and the Goal-oriented Requirement Language (GRL). GRL is based on the i* and NFR frameworks. jUCMNav is an Eclipse plug-in that provides editors for both notations, links between both views, analysis capabilities (including GRL model evaluations), and various import and export formats.
  • SNet Tool
    • Within this tool, the i* formalism is applied and extended in the context of a requirements engineering methodology to support inter-organizational networks. In particular, the tool provides an automatic transformation of graphical network representations (based on extended i*) into executable programs. Via this, network participants can simulate various network scenarios whose outcome may give valuable information regarding the risks and benefits of taking certain actions.
    • DesCARTES (Design CASE Tool for Agent-Oriented Repositories, Techniques, Environments and Systems) Architect a Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Tool developed by the Information Systems Unit (ISYS) at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL). It is designed to support various models edition: i* models (Strategic Dependency and Strategic Rationale models), NFR models, UML models, AUML models in the context of Tropos and I-Tropos developments. DesCARTES is a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The originality of the tool is that allows the development of the methodology analysis and design models as well as forward engineering capabilities and an integrated software project management module.
  • ADOxx-istar
    • i* modeling on the ADOxx Meta Modelling Platform. University of Vienna, Open Model Initiative.
  • I*-Prefer
    • I*-Prefer is a tool trying to uses goal and agent-based preference models to drive these decision making activities.
  • IStarTool
    • A graphic editor that supports system modelling using the i* framework and also executes analysis for models of this framework.
  • Measufier
    • A tool for defining and evaluating measures over i* diagrams.
  • i* Modules
    • An extension of the jUCMNav 4.2.1 plug-in that supports module definition and operation.
  • The RE-Tools
    • The RE-Tools is a model-based modeling tool that supports the i* Framework, the NFR Framework, KAOS, Problem Frames, and UML. All supported notations can be used together in an integrated manner, which means functional and non-functional requirements, agents, goals, softgoals, formal goals, and objects can be related as needed. The tool is implemented as a UML Profile that extends an open source UML modeling tool called StarUML. User models can be programmatically manipulated and reasoned about by external programs via APIs.
  • GO-DKL browser
    • The GO-DKL browser is a a web-based interface designed to support a user including interesting goals and related design features from a goal-oriented knowledge base of scholarly material into his or her 'project model', which can then be exported to Open OME or analyzed in an interactive tree-list. It is still at a very early stage of development; feel free to contribute to the rough code at the project's github page. Visit http://www.designknowledge.org for more details and a demonstration.
  • STS-Tool
    • STS-ml is a Socio-Technical Security modeling language for the specification of security and trustworthiness requirements of systems operating in a cross-organizational environment. The language is built on top of social concepts, such as role, agent, goal, delegation, authorization, etc. STS-Tool is the CASE tool for STS-ml, it is an Eclipse RCP application and supports multi-view modeling.
  • CSRML Tool
    • CSRML Tool is a CASE tool that provides support to CSRML (Collaborative Systems Requirements Modeling Language), an i* extension for specifying CSCW systems requirements. Implemented as a Visual Studio 2013 extension with Visualization and Modeling SDK, this tool supports all the CSRML characteristics such us the specification of collaborative tasks with Workspace Awareness features, as well as the management of actors, roles and groups of uses involved in the system. Along with other features, this tool supports the automatic validation on the generated models, an integrated context-sensitive help system and automatic updates.
  • BIM-Tool
    • BIM-Tool is an Eclipse RCP Application that supports graphical modelling and analysis with the Business Inteligence Model language. The tool supports graphical modeling as well as automated reasoning techniques of two types: "what if?", and "is it possible?".
  • TAGOOn Tool
    • TAGOOn+ is a tool for the generation and integration of organizational ontologies that supports: 1) the automatic generation of organizational ontologies coming from models expressed with i*, Tropos and Service-Oriented i*, and 2) the automatic integration of those organizational ontologies with generic or domain ontologies.
  • WebREd-Tool
    • WebREd-Tool is a Model-Driven Tool conformed by a set of Eclipse plugins that have been developed to assist the designer in the early phases of a Web application development process. With the WebREd-Tool, the designer can specify the Web application requirements by using the i* goal-oriented framework. The WebREd-Tool assists the designer to compare different configurations of functional requirements, while balancing and optimizing non-functional requirements.
  • i*-REST
    • i*-REST is a set of web-services that allows creation/modification and visualization of i* SD models over a RESTful web API.
  • E4J
    • E4J: Editor for JGOOSE is a graph editor to support goal-oriented and/or agent-oriented modeling.
  • CreativeLeaf
  • Leaf 2.0
    • Leaf 2.0 is a browser-based tool which enables modeling of iStar 2.0 diagrams.
  • GrowingLeaf---BloomingLeaf
    • GrowingLeaf is a browser-based tool which enables modelers to reason models with goals whose evaluations change over time.
  • piStar
    • Extendable online goal modeling tool supporting the i* 2.0 standard. Enables the creation of high-quality diagrams.

Available i* Interchange Languages

General Modeling Tools

Adding More Tool Descriptions

We are interested in expanding our list of i* Tools. For this purpose Gemma Grau from UPC Barcelona designed a questionnaire which is made available as a template (details, see below).

Table of contents

General Information

Tool Name



Date Tool Template Last Updated

Web page (if available)

Main Purpose of the Tool

i* framework supported

Availability of the tool

  • (x) For i* modelling only
  • ( ) For development only
  • ( ) Both

Programming Language

Platform Requirements

Other technology needed

Current state of the tool

Ongoing work

i* Modelling Suitability

1. Does the tool allow SD modelling?


2. Does the tool allow SR modelling?


3. Does the tool allow working with SD & SR models jointly?

Yes, by means of expandable elements.

4. Does the tool allow the construction of the models graphically?

Yes, dragging and dropping the elements into a drawing page

5. Does the tool allow the construction of the models textually?

Yes / No
If so, please specify how (i.e., filling a dependency table).

6. Describe how the elements are modelled and their flexibility (i.e., the elements can be moved and reordered).

8. Does the tool allow automatic organization of the elements?

Yes / No

9. Other modelling facilities provided by the tool:

  • ...

10. Does the tool check SD models?

Yes / No
If so, please specify how (i.e., the tool checks if all the SD dependencies are assigned).

11. Does the tool check SR models?

Yes / No
If so, please specify how (i.e., checks if the SR links are correctly stated).

12. Other checks provided by the tool (i.e., cross validation between SD and SR models).

  • ...

13. Does the tool allow working with two or more models at the same time?

Yes / No

14. Does the tool allow to group models in projects?

Yes / No

15. Does the tool allow working with two or more projects at the same time?

Yes / No

16. What are the other functionalities that the tool provides?

  • ...


17. Rate the understandability of the user interface

  • ( ) Internal use
  • ( ) Ready for public use
  • ( ) Has been used publicly
If it is not ready for public use, mark one or more of the following:
  • ( ) not in English
  • ( ) writing not polished
  • ( ) poor usability (colours, ...)
  • ( ) others: please specify
Expected date for public use (if any):

18. Rate the quality of the user manual

  • ( ) Inexistent
  • ( ) Internal use
  • ( ) Ready for public use
  • ( ) Has been used publicly
If user manual for internal use, mark one or more of the following:
  • ( ) incomplete
  • ( ) obsolete
  • ( ) not in English
  • ( ) writing not polished
  • ( ) others: please specify
Expected date for public use (if any):

19. Does the tool provides i* learning facilities?

Yes / No
If so, explain which ones (i.e., methodological guidance).

20. Does the tool provide any examples for the users?

Yes / No

21. Rate the difficulty of installing the tool

  • ( ) Copy files and initializing paths
  • ( ) Copy files
  • ( ) Executable installation file provided

Maturity of the Tool

22. Rate the maturity of the tool from the user point of view:

  • ( ) Under Development
  • ( ) Prototype
  • ( ) Ready for public use
  • ( ) Has been used publicly
If not for public use, mark one or more of the following:
  • ( ) incomplete
  • ( ) occasional testing
  • ( ) non-exhaustive testing
  • ( ) non-persistent data
  • ( ) poor efficiency
  • ( ) not portable
  • ( ) others: please specify
Expected date for public use (if any):

23. Has the tool been used for any case study?

Yes / No
If so, specify which ones.

24. Has the tool been tested in large models?

Yes / No

25. Has the tool any drawback when working with very large models?

Yes / No
If so, which ones?

26. Which is approximately the maximum size of the model (in terms of actors and dependencies) the tool has been used for?

Extensibility and Interoperability

27. Does the tool allow importing files?

Yes / No
If so, specify import data formats (i.e., XML, text file, pictures of the graphical representation...)

28. Does the tool allow exporting files?

Yes / No
If so, specify import data formats (i.e., XML, text file, pictures of the graphical representation...)

29. Does the tool allow importing/exporting the data through an XML format?

Yes / No
If so, link to the DTD for the XML format if available.

30. Is the architecture of the tool published?

Yes / No
If so, where?

31. Does the tool allow the addition of other elements outside the i* framework of the tool?

Yes / No

32. New functionalities can be added to the tool by means of:

  • ( ) PLUG-IN
  • ( ) Open-Source code
  • ( ) import & export XML
  • ( ) NONE

33. Rate the maturity of the tool from for open development:

  • ( ) Under Development
  • ( ) Prototype
  • ( ) Ready for public development use
  • ( ) Has been used for public development
If not for public development use, mark one or more of the following:
  • ( ) incomplete code
  • ( ) no help provided
  • ( ) non-persistent data
  • ( ) non-exhaustive testing
  • ( ) poor efficiency
  • ( ) not portable
  • ( ) no development installation facilities provided
  • ( ) others: please specify
Expected date for public development use (if any):

34. Is there any internal documentation for programmers?

Yes / No
If so, enumerate the facilities provided
  • ( ) Requirements specification and design decisions available
  • ( ) Interface conventions
  • ( ) Code conventions
  • ( ) Full commented code
  • ( ) Examples
  • ( ) others: please specify
Created by system. Last Modification: Wednesday 07 of March, 2018 14:46:24 GMT-0000 by Pimentel.